Undergrad Writing

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Timezone: Sydney/Melb


Receive and discuss a plan for how to approach your assignment topic and structure with confidence
⏰ 30 min tutor prep + 60 min live consultation
💎 $130
Content & structure plan

Fast Proofreading

‍Receive feedback on key issues to get back on track fast
⏰ 60 min tutor prep + 30 min live consultation
💎 $150
1,500 words maximum2hr turnaround

Detailed Proofreading

Detailed feedback throughout your entire draft
⏰ 60min per 1,000 words
💎 $100 per 1,000 words
5,000 words maximum48hr turnaround

(Add on) Discuss 'Detailed Proofreading' feedback your tutor

For students who have already received detailed proofreading and want to ask questions or discuss the comments with their tutor.
⏰ 30min live consultation
💎 $55
Add on service Only book after completing 'Detailed Proofreading'
Click "Book Now" above 👆🏽