June 16, 2022

Top 10 Tips to Help You Survive A Psychology Degree

Top 10 Tips to Help You Survive A Psychology Degree

Psychology schools are not for the faint of heart. These rigorous academic programs at university require a significant time commitment and a substantial financial investment, both in school fees anda sacrifice of earning potential while you study full time or part time. But if you're up for the challenge, studying psychology within a psychology degree can be an incredibly rewarding experience.

Are you struggling to keep up with yourPsychology School coursework?

If you're feeling overwhelmed by the amount of work you have to do in your psychology degree, don't worry. You're not alone. Keeping up with your specific Psychology school workload demands is common among students, from doing well in class to managing time.There are many things to learn in Psychology school, and it is essential to do well in order to compete with the thousands of other students aiming to get into Honours and Masters programs. However, remember that the most important thing is making the most of your education and learning as much as possible.

This article will give you ten tips that you can do to survive your psychology degree at any Psychology school / university institution. Follow these tips, and you'll be able to succeed in your particular psychology school. You'll be able to learn more and get good grades without spending all your time studying.

Tip #1 Get organised

One of the best things that you can do to survive your Psychology school workload is to get super organised. This means creating a strict schedule and sticking to it so you don’t fall behind and become overwhelmed with the many tasks you have to complete along the way. When you have a set schedule, you'll know what you're supposed to be doing each day, and you won't have to spend time trying to figure out what you need to do next.

For example, pin multiple calendar months on your bedroom wall so you can visually see all of your deadlines.

You can also set additional internal deadlines for when you will have components of assignment drafts or thesis work completed to ensure you remain on track and on time with your upcoming due dates / deadlines. Place some healthy pressure on yourself to complete work earlier than the deadline so you can submit to a trusted tutor for detailed proofreading like Get Psyched and take your time to refine a killer draft.

Tip # 2 Make a study schedule

If you want to survive Psychology school, you need to make a study schedule. This means setting aside time each day to study. It's essential to have a set time for studying to stay on track. In creating a study schedule, be sure to include breaks so that you can relax and recharge.

I highly recommend waking up early and start watching weekly lectures at 7:00AM or 8:00AM when you are fresh and least likely to procrastinate from fatigue or hunger.Set goals to speed read and make notes quickly within a 1-2 hour period as a mini challenge for yourself, preventing you from delaying completion or going over time.

Tip # 3 Get help when you need it

One of the most important things to do if you want to survive your Psychology Degree at your Psychology school is to get help when you need it - ask and you shall receive! Don't be afraid to go to an external tutor such as Get Psyched who specialises in psychology coursework, writing, and statistics for help. There's no shame in asking for help if you're struggling with a concept, topic, assignment, or analysis. Unfortunately, if you are too shy or nervous to ask for help, it won't be easy to survive in Psychology school as the demands for excellence are extremely high.

Tip # 4 Take care of yourself

It's essential to take care of yourself to survive Psychology school. This means getting enough sleep, exercising regularly in whatever way suits your particular body, and eating healthy. When you're well-rested and have a balanced diet, you'll be able to focus better in class and do better on your tests. Avoiding stress is also important, so be sure to relax and take breaks when needed.

Tip # 5 Find a study group or partner

Having a study partner or a study group is advantageous in motivation and learning. When you study with others, you can keep each other accountable and help each other out when needed. However, it's crucial to find a study partner or group you can trust and who won't distract you from your studies because sometimes having a study partner can be even more distracting than studying alone if there is too much unstructured socialising and conversations in between studying.

Finding an external psychology tutor can also be very beneficial as it forces you to be accountable to someone in regards to your work completion. Especially if they are waiting for you to submit work to them for review. Seeking online coaching to help create a solid roadmap for how you will approach each assignment is also a great way to overcome procrastination and potential to waste your time.

Tip # 6 Take practice tests

One of the best ways to prepare for exams is to take practice tests, either by sourcing them online from your university, from an external tutor, or by creating 10 practice questions yourself at the end of each weekly topic. This will give you a good idea of what to expect in the actual exam. It will also help you identify areas that you need to brush up on. Several online resources offer practice tests for psychology students, so be sure to take advantage of them.

Tip # 7 Write out your notes by hand

When you write out your notes by hand, you will remember the information better. Do not rely on listening to lectures as your method to encode or memorise your course content. This is because when you write something down, your brain is working harder to process the data, both visually, mentally, and physically, helping to form reinforced muscle memory. In addition to this, taking handwritten notes allows you to focus on the lecture better than if you were typing on your laptop. So having a pen and paper nearby is essential to learn the course content better.

Research shows that you only remember 15-20% of what you hear, 50% of what you write, and 90% of what you apply practically. So aside from making physical written notes, it is highly recommended that you attempt to verbally teach your friends, family or peers regarding the content you have recently learn. This will solidify it in your mind, making it much harder to forget, come exam time.

Tip # 8 Set aside time each week to review your notes

If you want to do well in psychology school, you need to set aside time each week to review your notes, and possibly make additional notes on top of them based on your refined understanding of the content. This will help you keep the information fresh in your mind and identify any areas you need to focus on. The ideal time to review your notes is when you have a free period or right before bed. Sleep is when all of our memory encoding is solidified, so revising your notes before bed isa great time to remember what you have learnt, fresh for your sleep when your brain processes the information of that day. Maximise all the time that you have to study, and you'll be able to do well in your classes.

Tip #9 Don't cram for exams

It's important to remember that cramming for exams will not help you do well. On the contrary, it will likely have the opposite effect. When you cram, you are more likely to forget your studied information. Instead, try studying a little bit each day so that the data is fresh in your mind when it comes time to take the exam.

Although, I won’t lie… this has been my personal study tactic in the past because exams always were my last priority after the heavily weighted assignments.

AS LONG AS YOU MAKE NOTES WEEKLY - you should be fine. Do not, I repeat, do NOT try to write all of your notes at the end of your unit right before exams. That is a recipe for disaster and low grades.

Tip #10 Be positive and stay motivated

One of the most important things you can do to succeed in psychology school is to be positive and stay motivated. When you are feeling down, it's tough to focus on your studies. So instead, remember your goals and why you are pursuing a degree in psychology. This will help you push through the tough times.

These tips are just a few things you can do to help you survive psychology school. By following these tips, you will be well on your way to achieving success!

Final Thoughts

Congratulations on making it this far!You are well on your way to becoming a psychologist. Remember, the journey is not always easy, but it is worth it. There will be times when you feel like giving up, but don't let that stop you from achieving your goals. Instead, surround yourself with people who support and believe in you, and use these tips to help you survive psychology school and be successful in your studies.We wish you all the best as you continue on your educational journey!